Wednesday, September 27, 2006

HI 5(0)!

Sorry. Couldn’t resist.

We are ready to take off for our trip! The bag has been packed, the carry-on ready to be carried-on and the apartment cleaned up for our absence (I highly recommend that you leave behind a clean home to come back to. Makes that re-entry SO much easier.). I checked with the airline and they assured me that laptops and metal, pointy knitting needles were allowed on flights. I’ll check again just before departure cause you never can be too safe.

Janet (our sainted kitty-sitter) has been called and will stop by to provide our furry friends with kibble, a clean loo and a little behind-the-ear scratches if need be. That girl needs to get the friend of the year award.

I can’t tell you how excited m and I are to be heading off to Hawaii. My boss was just there a few months ago (also for the first time and also on the same island) so she was able to hook us up with some tips on things to check out. Many photos will be taken. I packed clothing but secretly feel like I shouldn’t have to wear anything more formal than a bikini. Also on the agenda: spam-fried rice. You will be mine.

We’re flying out tomorrow night and arrive back on Tuesday afternoon of next week. What a glorious 5 night hiatus from our everyday lives!

The cats (not surprisingly) are unimpressed:

(Janet will argue, but I think the expressions on their faces are somewhere between indifferent and Calvin Klein bored.)

The fuzzy little bastards will miss us though. They always do when we leave them for trips.

See you on the other side of the trip!

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