There's nothing quite as satisfying as knitting babywear. The tiny sleeves, the wee bodice, an entire cardi complete in a matter of days! And on top of that, it's heritage appropriate! Does the knitting dorkiness never end??

I'd sort of taken a mini-vow of sorts to stick to knitting garments just for myself. For simplicity's sake. But I just couldn't resist.

Now if only the cats would let me knit them sweaters...
Excuse me? What? Where? What secret is out? Did I miss a secret? Who's got a secret? I have to know the secret!! Who's getting baby knits? I feel like we have a very clear protocol about these things, so the secret must involve someone you'd knit for, but not, you know, someone who is, well, you.
dude. get a grip. What did I say about not announcing life altering events on the blog? So not going to happen. Not going to announce a pregnancy or an engagement or something here. You'd get a phone call. Come on now, give me some credit.
Jim & LiAna got this as a gift for their son. You remember them? I believe they were at your wedding.
Jim, LiAna, and their son are absolutely THRILLED with this sweater! I sent pics to the both of you with the boy in his new "heritage" inspired cardi and wow does he look good in it. Jean, as the dad in "The Castle" says, "You should open a shop!"
Dude, I SAID I knew we had a protocol and therefore it must mean that it was someone you'd knit for and not you......Dude. :) I was thinking of either Janet or one of your sisters in law. True, I admit there were some clues about Jim and Lai, but geez. And you like Keeler.
Anyhow, HOORAY!! Super job!! I'm going to show the pictures to our knitting guru. And to the Tschen Emmonses both for a) such quick dispersal of pictures, and b) for just having a cute kid.
We have a new knitting group in the library for girls 8 and up. It's such a hit!! Some of the ladies from our grown up knitting club come to teach knitting, and they are so awesome, in there, knitting bookmarks and trivets.
GASP!!! How did you know about Keeler???
Ahem. Yes. I stand corrected. I need to read my comments more carefully. Ahem.
I second the comments about Jim & Lai's cute kid. Man is he a cutie!! And boy does he make his sweater look good!
That's so cool that your library has a knit group. I should check into that with my local library. Well, I'm actually a little shy about joining knit groups. I don't want them to judge my knitting. I'm not being coy. It's true.
Jean Jean Jean, PAH-lease--judge your knitting? The knittng belonging to you? That is yours? That you do? Not some one else? Come on--you'll probably scare them away with your Jedi powers. I mean, sheesh, look, really _look_ at that sweater on our little bug! It is the stuff of genius. Just saying. Oh, and again with "The Castle"--"Would you look at that--you should open a shop! Looks like everyone kicked a goal!"
Aw shucks... You are too kind!
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